Monday, February 23, 2009

God is Good

I never thought in my wildest dreams that I would have the opportunity to serve God through running a snowboard park in the middle of nowhere in Japan. Before three months ago, I didn't even know that snowboarding existed in Japan. It's not a lie that God will use you in ways you can't even dream of when you give Him your life and constantly seek His will. That is one thing I've realized since being in Japan, that God will use you right where you are at if you welcome Him in and allow Him to work through you. I work everyday in the snowboard park doing relatively the same things every day and it has become very routine. I mean, we have done a lot of work and our park has grown by leaps and bounds, but I feel like I am working for a construction company. I guess it's just not what I had exactly expected to be doing on outreach. I had expected outreach to be a time of intense evangelism with youth and sharing testimonies daily with people. I've found myself going through the motions here because of how routine it is. This doesn't mean I didn't work as hard or put forth as much effort, but it takes the joy of serving away. I've asked myself multiple times, "what am I doing here God?"
He's answered me in a few different ways, by talking to me and by showing me. In the beginning I heard Him telling me to simply wait and see. So I waited. And waited. After a couple weeks I asked a few more times. He then said, "now see." For the week following this, multiple amazing events happened. God uncovered that my work ethic and my ability to serve without complaining and with a positive attitude has been an encouragement and motivator for many people. He has revealed so many of my strengths to me and they all revolve around being a leader and leading people. He has given me a heart for discipleship, for developing people into passionate followers of Jesus. You see, I was at one time 'lost' here in Japan. Now lost does not mean that I'm not tangibly doing anything, it is just lacking purpose, motivation, passion. "I was once lost, and now I am found" - famous words in the song Amazing Grace. While I was lost, God was using me right where I was and I didn't even realize it. He was and is continuing to mold me into a man who can sense His presence always, because it is when I don't feel His presence that I feel 'lost.'
Please pray for me as I begin to organize what my life will look like back home. Pray that God will open doors where He wills and that I will notice them. I miss you all so much and think about you all the time. Thank you for your continued support and prayers, you all are amazing. Peace and Love.

1 comment:

  1. are an encouragement and an inspiration to me EVERY DAY! You are doing such great things and growing into such an amazing man of god and that is always so encouraging. Keep it real :)
