Thursday, February 19, 2009

Japan Newslettern 2/12/09

Greetings everyone! We are currently in the fourth week of nine and are halfway through out time here at N* (Northstar). Like always, some random facts we've found out about Japan. Not only do men and women have Ofuros (Japanese baths), but also do monkeys'. And yes, we drove two and a half hours to see them run around and bath in a natural hot bath. It was awesome. Another random fact that is highly depressing is that most Japanese deserts include sweet beans inside their cakes, donuts, and mochi. The really sad part is that the sweet beans look like chocolate and you know they would be so delicious if they were chocolate, but they are sweet beans and they are fairly disgusting. Coming from Switzerland, we are chocolate deprived! OK, now on to the important things.

Since our last newsletter some amazing things have happened. Our park is growing not only physically, but also socially! We have added three new features (flat-down rail, C-Box, and 10meter box) and are in the process of building a 10meter kicker as we speak. The popularity is increasing daily which is a huge answer to prayers. We have riders coming to our park over other really well known parks because our park is more fun. It is so encouraging and such a sign of things to come for N* and this snowboard park. Off the mountain, we have had a few awesome times of evangelism through english class and being invited to a youth church in Matsumoto. We have the opportunity each Tuesday night to participate in english class and help them learn the language. Some people drive over an hour just to come to our english class because they enjoy our community at N*, it's a great way to build a friendship with the people off the mountain. Also, JP and Matt were given the opportunity to share their lives and serve at a youth church in Matsumoto. There were eleven kids ranging from 13-17 and they are loved watching JP and Matt play Jya Ken Pon (Japanese style rock, paper, scissors). Don't worry, we'll teach you all when we come home! Our times off the mountain have served to be great blessings to all of us being able to build our relationships with the people here on a more serious level. Our days off thus far have consisted of trips to Matsumoto and Nagano and amazing Japanese food. We have really liked our trips to the different cities and have about a combined 1,000 pictures to prove it! Those of you who have access to Facebook will continually see updated photo albums from most of us, so keep your eyes peeled.

Now onto more prayer requests. Our team is back to full strength, everyone is healthy, strong and hard at work six days a week. We would compare this job to that of a construction worker; tough and long hours, but God gives us the strength and motivation to keep on working hard. We ask that you pray for continued health and motivation for our team, as well as unity and passion for us. It is so important for us to work together with the same goal and purpose in mind. Last, but definitely not least, for boldness. Can you please pray for boldness amongst the team to share our faith with the locals and the riders we see each day. Thank you all so much for your encouraging words and for keeping us in your prayers. It means more than you know!

We hope that you are doing well and that God is blessing you abundantly for blessing us.

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